TEGA Aparejos, Grúas y Apiladoras S.A.is located in the city of Buenos Aires, in the neighborhood of La Boca, only 2 km from the economic, financial and business center of the city and 1km from the port and main highways. Its industrial facilities cover a 5000 sq mt surface area. Over 53% of TEGA staff members are engineers or R&D technicians.
Additionally, TEGA has the technical know how and experience in the production of equipment for classified areas (Ex, explosion proof), all of which make TEGA the most relevant company in South America.
It is a supplier for many important companies, including:
Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica [Argentine Atomic Energy Commission].Equipment has been supplied for all of their Atomic Sites as well as their Nuclear Power Plants Atucha I and Atucha II in the Province of Buenos Aires, and Embalse in Río Tercero, Córdoba; Heavy Water Plant in Arroyito, Neuquén; Particle Accelerator (synchrocyclotron); LPR – Laboratorio de Procesos Radiactivos [Radioactive Processes Lab]; FAE – Fábrica de Elementos Combustibles [CombustibleElements Factory].
OCP - Oleoducto de Crudos Pesados [Heavy Crude Oil Pipeline]in Ecuador has been supplied with bridge cranes for non-classified and explosion proof classified (Ex) areas, operating both in the coastal region and the amazon forest under extreme conditions.
Compañía Operadora de Gas del Amazonas [Amazon Gas Operating Company]in Peru has been supplied with explosion proof bridge cranes for classified areas in coastal and rainforest locations under extreme temperature and humidity conditions.
Transportadora de Gas del Perú [Peruvian Gas Transportation Company] –CAMISEA Project–has been supplied with explosion proof bridge cranes. Several of these bridge cranes are used at altitudes higher than 4.500 meters above sea level and temperatures ranging from -15° to 40° Celsius, and one of them is the bridge crane operating at the highest altitude in South America.
Total Austral S.A. in Tierra del Fuego was provided with an explosion proof gantry crane, which is the southernmost operating explosion proof gantry crane worldwide, and which has been designed to withstand winds stronger than 120 km/hr. Other (indoor – onshore) explosion proof pieces of equipment have also been supplied.
VALE Mining Company (Brazil) for project PCP(Potasio Río Clorado). Full lifting equipment supply for potassium loading at the port terminal.
INVAP (Investigación Aplicada S.E.).A bridge crane with the highest seismic classification, zone 4, was provided for the Algeria project for nuclear reactor operation.
Fluor Arabia Ltda. Bridge cranes were provided for Sadara Chemical Company (ARAMCO & DOW) for the Al-Jubail refinery, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Monsanto S.A. through Bechtel Corp in the USA.Supply of special equipment for its fertilizer plant.